Saturday, February 20, 2010

Lets join our hands and make Earth a better place to be.(just like it was meant to be).

Hi All,
Lets say its a Wake Up call to everyone out here.

I was reading a message sent to me by my very good friend and the creator of this blog which is as-

"By the next 10 months, our Earth will become 4 degree hotter than its now.
Our Himalayan Glaciers are melting at a rapid rate.
So all of you lend your hands to fight global warming:-
-Plant more trees.
-Don't waste water.
-Don't use or burn plastic."

Coincidentally just before this message popped in I was talking to a friend who has started an organization named Green For Sustainable Development along with other batch mates of mine.
Its so good that the people like us are taking this initiative of trying to bring back the better picture of the Earth to all of us.
So I think that we will appreciate their efforts for caring so much, not only about themselves and their studies (like we normal people do), but also for the complete mankind.
I really admire them and just requesting you all to join in hand in the efforts they are making so that our combine effort can make some difference for us and the generations to come.

And now the details about the Green From the GreenForSD itself:-

"GreenForSD provides an opportunity to work as a Volunteer & for this you will get a Certificate from the organization. The job role will generally involve helping the activities of Green to run smoothly and at the same time we will make sure that you learn more and more.

Other way to involve is to join us as a member which involves a membership fees of Rs. 500. This will make you entitle for the benefits such as:

1. Reimbursement for attending external conferences.

2. To contribute and have access to the small library that is in making. This library will be at the office of GreenForSD by the members and for the members. Right now we have about 15 books on different different topics. As Green becomes financially more strong they are about to start some magazines also which the members can refer to.

3. Opportunity to take leadership roles for different projects run under GreenForSD."

I am providing the links to get online with them:

Follow them on Facebook:!/group.php?gid=187601578152&ref=ts
and the official website

All the people in this Kafe I met, have a lot of potential. Some have the right directions and some others are still in the process of searching for the right path. So, its not just about seeing another "NGO" working for the environment but this time its about heading our potential in right direction.
Hope you will all join in.


The Jaipurite said...

thats what i call " doing something concrete"...!! something accurate in one's own limit...!!

many many congratulations and all the best to ur frnd...!!:)
and thanx for letting us knw abt this wonderful piece of work,,..!!

Aditi Jain said...

u r welcome...hope u join in

The Jaipurite said...

I love this cause...but to be frank..hw do u justify charging 500 rupees as the membership fee..??:P

Aditi Jain said...

i guess that's for library usage and participating certificate cost...funds is a problm u see..being a student govern NGO

Aditi Jain said...

important announcement....they have made it without the cost now...they just need people to work..